Chris brown confirmed that celebrities are humans too.

Everyone should have heard about the Chris Brown & Rihanna situation by now. If not then you need to lay off the porn websites and become aware of whats going on in the real world. First of all, i just want to say that this is the reason why i would not be happy if i were a celebrity. The world expects you to maintain a perfect image when indeed you are far from perfect. Nobody in this world is perfect so trying to keep a perfect “image” is very stressful. Okay now on to the main topic. The CB(Chris Brown) situation is a perfect example of the saying “what happens in the dark comes out in the light”. He should’ve really thought about how his actions would affect his career if this were to be brought out into the public. Rihanna may have pissed him off, but is it worth losing your career over? I wont attack him on his abusive nature because i understand that he witnessed domestic violence in his home at a young age. But i will question his intelligence and common sense. Did he think that a star like Rihanna could receive “horrific” injuries and just be ignored by the media? And thats if the situation did not go to the police. Unfortunately for him it did go to the police which makes it even worse.

I think celebrities today are so pressured to maintain a certain image and appear a certain way that it takes a toll on their souls and their emotions. Im sure if CB took the time to think before he acted this situation would have never occured. I guess he is so used to “acting” that he just lets his actions control him. This was truly a sad incident because it involves domestic violence, but it also shows that celebrities are humans just like us and it takes them off of this pedestal that they are put on. Im dissapointed to hear that Rihanna has decided to stay with CB even after taking a beating from him. What is this showing her young female fans who look up to her? They too may think its okay to stay with a man after he abuses you just because Rihanna did it. The conclusion i came to from evaluating this incident is that celebrities should not allow their ego to persuade them that they are not normal humans. They too have problems and should seek help in order to avoid incidents like this one.

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